Your exclusive and certified partner for selecting, purchasing, managing and letting investment properties in Spain.

  • Standing out in Spanish investment real estate
  • API certified with appropriate degrees and certifications, both in the Netherlands and Spain
  • Knowledge and experience from own real estate portfolios
  • Large network of Dutch-speaking specialists with the most competitive rates and the same work ethic
  • Thorough pre-selection of the right developers and projects with the help of attorneys
  • Opportunities from phase 1 properties returning to the market
  • Up-to-date knowledge of which bank has the best terms at the time of passing
  • Knowledge of Joint Venture contracts
  • An online community for customers with years of service and guidance to maximum return


Are you still in the orientation phase and could use our help?
Fill out our online needs and wishes inventory and we will contact you for an online introductory meeting.

Completing this inventory takes about 4 minutes.

Costa Blanca Noord


Costa Blanca Zuid


Costa del Sol


Our team

Lisette Kortland

Rachel Boschma Founder
Mirjam de Bok Founder

Over the coming period, this page will feature interesting blogs on a variety of topics by members of the team or partners from Your Destinations Real Estate’s network.


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